
Celebrate Mother's Day 2016 With Me!

Happy Sunday everyone and a particular shoutout to all the beautiful, talented, loving mums out there! Here in the UK it's Mother's Day and I for one love a good excuse to crack open the bubbly, bake a cake and spoil my family members.

Since yesterday was actually my mum's birthday, her and my dad had gone away to London for the night to celebrate which left me and my sister with plenty of time to get everything ready. I'd already ordered the Chanel goodies online, but decided to pop out to the local supermarket to get some rose lemonade, cupcakes and a loaf of crusty bread. (That was to go with dinner haha) 

Naturally I get home at about quarter past 11 and upon checking my phone find out that my parents are due back in just under an hour, (two hours earlier than they were supposed to be!) and I've still got to bake an entire cake! Cue lots of panicking, running around and making the fastest cake in history! Thankfully I'd just finished writing my card and displaying the cake when they rolled up on the driveway. 

Of course, spring wouldn't be complete without some fresh strawberries and a lemon drizzle cake! Naturally these were devoured moments after taking these photos.  

Mother's Day is such an important day to honour not just our mums' but all of the inspirational women in our lives. This past august my nan (my mum's mum) passed away and this is of course the first year we won't be celebrating with her. Experiencing this has made me truly appreciate all of the people out there, whose mum's are not with them, for which Mother's Day can be a sad time. But in the words of the incredible J K Rowling: "if your mum isn't here to treat, do something nice for yourself, because she's a part of you." And it's so true, we haven't forgotten my nan and just because she's not here with us doesn't make her any less important.

So I hope you all have a lovely Sunday no matter who you're sharing it with. 



  1. Aw this is all so lovely, the flower, cake, present all look amazing, your mum is very lucky! xxx - p.s. all your photos are on POINT! :D xx

    1. She was really happy, so I'm super glad about that!! Aww thanks girl you do spoil me with your comments ;) xxx

  2. In Switzerland we celebrate Mother's Day in May but I loved seeing all the posts by the UK bloggers today! :) Hope you had a wonderful day with your mum x

    Sara / AboutLittleThiings

    1. Oh really!? I didn't know that! I knew America did it differently but I had no idea about other places! And I did thank you, it was lovely xx


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