
A Day Of Gardens And Sculptures...

There was a time - particularly around the penultimate months of my art A Level - that I absolutely despised visiting the likes of gardens and sculpture parks. I knew it would simply result in hours of taking photos, writing up art histories and subsequently drawing endless graphite pictures. I wasn't someone who had a natural affinity to loving art, I mean I was naturally talented at it - hence why I took the A Level - but I didn't enjoy it in the same way some of my peers did. And frankly I'm quite glad that part of my life is over because it's left me free to photograph and enjoy art in a way I never did before. 

So when my parents suggested visiting the sculpture display at Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire I snapped up the offer. This meant endless hours meandering through the flowers, taking an abundance of pictures of whatever I fancied without the pressure of trying to fit it into my project. Thankfully the sun made an appearance about half way through the day, basking us all in a warm glow. It truly was a lovely day.

Also I will warn you: This post is fairly picture heavy, you've been warned! ;)

The first area we went to was set up on a regimented lawn with endless sculptures at every turn. Some of my favourites include the ones above of Icarus from Ancient Greek mythology who supposedly flew too close to the sun, causing his wax wings to melt and his untimely death as he plummeted to earth. To be honest I don't know a lot about it but I thought the carvings and the design work was absolutely stunning. Plus, I'm a sucker for anything fantasy or mythology based in artwork - I just find it so interesting!  

I also loved the use of the gold leaf on stonework in the last picture. The colour was so bold and iridescent, it really contrasted against the fairly simple stone architecture. And now I'm realising that I'm starting to sound like I'm writing an art history for my A Level again... I guess some things are just permanently imbedded in me!

Aside from sculptures there were also some truly beautiful flowers and horticulture. I imagine that this time of year is perfect to go as the blooms were out in full force, naturally bringing with them an abundance of butterflies and honey bees.

I won't talk about most of the artwork in too much detail as I don't want to bore you, but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer in the comments!

All in all we were super lucky with the weather. Initially it was a little bit chilly in the morning, however by lunchtime it has warmed up so much I was seriously regretting wearing jeans! Nonetheless I would highly recommend a trip to Doddington Hall if you're in the area because it was a perfect summer day out. In terms of cost it was fairly reasonable as well; for the four of us it cost £23.00 to tour around the gardens as much as we liked. 

Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you thought and if you've got a particular favourite out of the sculptures! I'm back to my regular blogging schedule now after taking a couple of days so you can look forward to a new post up on Wednesday! 



  1. These sculptures are amazing! I can't even choose a favorite!

    Renee | Life After Lux

  2. Seriously beautiful photos! I love interactive art pieces like that first one where you get to add to it yourself.


    1. Thank you lovely! <3 Yeah, it's great, especially with artwork that's on such a giant scale xx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. These photos are absolutely beautiful! All those sculptures are just...I have no words! I really want to visit Doddington Hall, adding it to my bucket list!


    1. Aww thank you so much, you're too kind! If you're ever in the UK I'd definitely recommend it xx

  5. AW, I know I've said it before but I really really wish we lived closer because going to places like this too is my favourite thing to do *cry* - You're photography in this is a whole new level, so clear, all the sculptures look amazing! Plus, obviously loving the flowers - I feel like all I do is take photos of flowers because they're so pretty! xxx


    1. Can you even imagine the OOTDs we could get?! *cries* But yeah, I absolutely love visiting places like this too, being all cultural and artsy is my kind of things HAHA!! Omg yes, flowers are my thing too, loveeee <3 Aww thank you, you da bestest!! xxx


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