
Sunshine and Salads.

It's strange to think that I've now been at university for a whole year. That's a quarter of my degree done. When you think about it like that and realise that in three years time I'll be graduating; a fully fledged adult if you will, it's kind of terrifying. But that's not to say I haven't had the best year., because I have. It's totally cliche but I really do think I've found my friends for life these past few months. And as someone whose never had close friends before, or truly felt like I was part of something, this means more to me than I can say. And through these friends I've also met my boyfriend and whilst I'm not one to gush (he'd hate me if he knew I was writing this) I really can't believe how lucky I am to have finally found one of the good ones. 

Of course starting university has also meant I could finally kiss goodbye to the world of full time retail *shudders*. Seriously, by august I was clamouring to get out of the place and it's taken so many of my worries and boredom away. I'm far happier in education, and whilst I won't say I've worked like a complete trooper this year (one too many cocktails methinks) I should be on my way to finishing the year with a 2:1. So I'm pretty proud of myself! 


And just like that my first year at university was over. I don't actually finish until June 10th and probably won't go home for a few days after that, but it's still sooner than I'd like. I think I'm going to miss pretty much everything about it over the summer but especially the proximity to some of the people I care about most in the world.

The weather today has been beautiful. In fact this past week has treated us exceptionally well, which for little ol' England is always something to celebrate. But for those of us in education the latter spring months will always be associated with exams. It's a shame really because it makes you feel guilty for enjoying yourself out in the sunshine, when you should be cooped up revising. However as one of the lucky ones I happened to finish my exams over two weeks ago and have since been waiting for my friends to catch up so we could enjoy our last few weeks together before leaving for different ends of the country. Seriously, uni is all fun and games until you go home and realise your friends and boyfriend live unfeasibly far away for daily coffees and chats. 

But we decided to make the most of the our (well, their) first day of freedom and grab a salad and head to our universities private gardens. Honestly doesn't this look like something from a stately home?! It's so unbelievably beautiful and for sure one of my favourite places to go to calm down and relax. In fact picking the photos to post was so difficult because each one was so uniquely stunning. 

All things considered I do feel kind of bitter sweet. These last couple of weeks are filled with so many fun things - day trips to Oxford and Camden and our summer ball, to name a few - but I can't fight this feeling that it's all ending. So maybe it's melodramatic since we'll all be back soon enough but our summer is three months long, and when you have retail work lined up, that's a long time!

Thanks for reading lovelies! It makes my day when you leave a comment so let me know below what stage of life you're at? Are you at uni, do you work full time or are you still in school? P.S. make sure you're following my Insta as I've been working super hard on creating beautiful content recently and would love for you to have a gander!



  1. Beautiful pictures and hope that you will have an amazing summer. Don't feel down as you've worked hard at uni so you definitely need 3 months of rest.


    1. Ahh thanks lovely!! I guess so, I'm just gonna miss my friends so much! xx

  2. Aw Lily I loved how postive this post was, made me feel all warm inside! (we'll skip over the fact uni is ending and your back in retail for a bit.. you'll be back happy with your friends in uni before long!!) ALSO, I bloody love these photos, like the one of you in the middle of the flowers looks like it could be your album cover - 'bout to drop the sickest album of 2017 HAHAHA Lovelyyyy post as always! 💕 Xxx

    1. Aww you <3 HAHAHA you're actually killing me!!! I highly doubt I'll ever drop an album, can't sing for shit! Thankssss xxx

  3. Aha I definitely know how you feel having three months work lined up before you start back at uni again! I loved my first year but actually enjoyed second year more, you have all your friends and relationships established so it gives you a great foundation to work harder and go out and enjoy yourself more! xo

    1. Ugh it's the worst, but I need the money so... unfortunately needs must! Oh really?! That's so good to hear, and thinking about it mine will probably be the same! xx

  4. such pretty photos! glad you're having a fab time at uni :)



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